OJT (On-the-Job Training)
Promises of Hope Foundation Inc., has partnered with local businesses to provide our customers with quality OJT experiences. Our customers will have the opportunity to learn job skills in an integrated, community-based setting.

Career Counseling and Guidance
Comprehensive bi-weekly Career Counseling and Guidance meetings designed to assist our customers in making an appropriate placement decision and retaining employment.

Pre-Placement Services
Promises of Hope Foundation Inc., has developed a curriculum to assist our consumers with job readiness training and job maintenance skills. Instruction includes, but is not limited to: punctuality, grooming, attendance skills and other job readiness, as well as instruction in work practices, to include such areas as payroll deductions, insurance, retirement, benefits and safety.

Resume Preparation
Promises of Hope Foundation Inc., will assist consumers in constructing a resume that is professional and suitable for the consumer; the resume will emphasize the consumers’ strengths and capabilities.
Pre-Placement Training Transition Youth
Promises of Hope Foundation Inc., has developed a 20-hour curriculum and program for transition youth in accordance with WIOA guidelines. The program includes a community service and OJT component. Our program allows the student to gain job readiness skills training in conjunction with community service, which is required for graduation. The 20-hour curriculum may be followed up with an OJT experience that is paid.
Job Placement Services
Promises of Hope Foundation Inc., will assist consumers to obtain full-time or, if appropriate, part-time competitive employment in an integrated setting. The employment outcome will be:
Consistent with the Customer's strengths, resources, priorities, concerns, abilities, capabilities, interests, and informed choice
Maintained employment with a single employer consistent with the goal(s) and other terms of the IPE, offering regular opportunities for contact with co-workers who do not have disabilities and/or the public.